Natural Selection Inez Dunn©2014 |
It was Darwin who coined the term "natural selection". It's about survival, about staying on top of ones' game. Eat or be eaten is the most simple comprehension of Darwin's theory. I think of what the Earth gives us in all its perfect forms, patterns, functions when I ponder natures beautiful bounty. I think of how some things especially rocks in all their various characterizations have and will survive us all. And I'm one of you, I see an unusual rock, shell, bone, or piece of wood and I just have to pick it up. For years I have been collecting beach Agates, wondrous, lustrous, and really, super old. Old as in millions, millions of years old which, makes me think of our snippet of evolutionary existence, and makes me think of Darwin. He was just trying to figure stuff out in order to make sense of his & our place in the general scheme of things, here on Earth. I'm crazy-curious about beach Agates, and they seem to always find me on most of my beach walks. These shinning marble-like structures are like free mini treasures in my hands. Lately, I've been playing at my soldering table (so much patience and practice) I'm truly determined to make sensible art from these glowing rock specimens. I feel like I'm giving back, maybe honoring the magical of this planet with my little known skills. I think I can relate to Darwin, maybe actually understand his drive, his mojo or maybe I too even at my age am just trying to make sense of my place in general, here in my little corner of Alaska. Whichever it is, I hope you'll stick around and continue to follow me on my journey. A new year is upon us, lets get there together!