Good Tidings

Follow me as I explore Alaska's vast coastline.

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Transcendental                                                                                               Inez Dunn©2013
Its nearing the time of the celebrated solstice my friends. And here on the southern Kenai Peninsula the days have been very dark with only glimpses of illumination provided by stellar constellations. Twinkles of sparkles cast questions gracefully lighting -up an otherwise wintery, un consolable Alaskan landscape. A paint brush mark of a sliver moon rapidly morphs into its waxing lunar completion and soon we begin anew. Time is flying by!!! I am still completely transfixed with all things CLAY. And translucent clay is my favorite of favorites! I was recently engaged in a buying opportunity when JoAnn Fabrics published a clay sale of $1.00 each per 2.oz package. Regularly priced around $2.30, $ 3.49 per package.
So what did I do? I panicked of course, I kneeled  down hard, almost splayed in front of the Sculpey,
Premo display...All the colors choices blurring my eyes, my breath became shallow, my eyes watering hoaxing my perception, my rational thinking displaced. I was in my own little world oblivious to all the other JoAnn devotees lining up to get their fabric cut by the perfect yard.  The real jewel "translucent" clay 2.oz. squares were nowhere to be found, and I quickly shuffled and tossed the small clay packages around like milk chocolates surrounded by dark chocolates. I needed my fix, I traveled 220 miles for this shopping extravaganza and I wasn't leaving till I had conquered my quest!
The outcome: An palsy $18.00 sales ticket. What you say? Ok, I felt over indulgent once I amassed the last remaining 8 exquisite translucent clay packages, I really did. So I grabbed 10 additional colors of clay and then took my place in line, like some guilty addict, pretending not to be a clay
addict. The truth, there are days when professing to be a artist isn't all its cracked -up to be.
I create because I do, and clay takes me to some transcendental other world, a world of experimentation, fascination, and endless possibilities. And so as solstice closes in, I enter it openly, joyfully, with promise for enlightenment, and transformation to what was once only an playful encounter. Happy Solstice to all!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Nutcracker

All Cracked-up: Clay and enamel jewelry creations                                                              Inez Dunn©2013
The Nutcracker. I'm not referring to my gluten-free snack choices but, rather the spirit of story telling. It's that time of year when holiday festivities begin with one of the most popular ballets around; yes
The Nutcracker! And speaking of story-telling, I have been wrapped in a bit of wonder-land myself. I  am still completely enthralled with playing with clay! And I haven't stopped since last month's post! The rectangle pendant above in a swirl of purple and black is comprised of clay. And the two super-shiny squat beads attached to the tassel necklace are also made of clay! I just now have become observant of how many times in this post I have used exclamations points and hyphenated words. Can you feel my excitement? Or maybe its just  a precondition to the onset of "cabin fever" because, here in Alaska the days are sure condensing.  Okay, back to The Nutcracker...if your in the area the arts & crafts faire will coincide with Homer's own stage production of the ballet on December 7th & 8th at the Homer High School auditorium. This years faire promises to be chalked full of delightful handmade wares perfectly themed to take care of all of your holiday shopping. Further information regarding the event:                                                   
                                                                Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Clay Date

Clay Date                                                                                                                 Inez Dunn©2013
Its fall its time to turn inwards and get out all those crafty projects that have been on hold all summer. Finish some, discard others, and learn about new stuff. Here, in Alaska fall begins and takes with her hours of daylight as the season pushes toward winter. What does that mean? It means creating art in the dark!!!  And I have been doing just that!
These days early hours won’t see the crack of dawn till nearly this side of  9:00 am.
But that just fine for kneading clay, and that exactly what I’ve been doing since I took a class titled, Bead and Jewelry Making with Polymer Clay by Ben Smith.  Ben taught several methods that involved intricate layering and conditioning of the clay. The result produces a variety of surprising and dazzling complex colors. Note: The bead in the photo with the crazy green and gold swirls, yup I learned that from Ben. Thanks Ben.
Its been over a month since I took the class and I have immersed myself whole heartily in all things clay, everything from baking it to not baking it to painting clay and to even creating molds. Next months post promises to expand all these subjects and more. Till then I encourage you to get out those fun projects and get movin.
Oh, and another reminder its not too early to start on Christmas cards either!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

September Sunday

Sun Daze                                                                                                Inez Dunn©2013

Its fall my friends and the days are filled with sumptuous colors. The once verdant and alive leaves and grasses are now toasty and brittle. And the crispness in the air influences all flora to change color.
Here in Alaska, the fall season is the bumper before the snow whispers on in. From the mountain ranges to the seashore Alaska is awash in fall colors although, muted compared to say the east coast.
The hues of burnt sienna, umber and rust paint this great state before winter arrives. So, speaking of colors and change in the is the time to exchange your summer jewelry & accessories for bigger and bolder bracelets, necklaces, earrings and the like. Heavier metals, brighter beads, and even clay jewelry! (I'll be reporting more on the latter in next months post). Note: the ring necklace above
is exactly what I'm talking about. To learn more pick-up this months issue of the magazine Belle Armoire Jewelry at: and learn how I made the "Rings True" necklace. And if that weren't enough make sure you go out and bask in the celebration of fall!
Happy fall to all!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013


BRANDING is a mark, an identifier. BRANDING is a visual representation used in marketing that uniquely differentiates you and your product to the public. When I was a much younger artist I naively created art by practicing only what I knew. Sound familiar? Maybe it was my repetitive choice of colors or maybe it was my adherence to all things asymmetric. Over time friends and loyal customers validated my art, and I am ever grateful to them but I in my restless nature I drifted with the shifting sands of my imagination. After years of curious experimentation, my creations matured and I added to my artist repertoire substantially. Now, I am not the artist I once was but it is critical that the printed symbols I used then to make my first impressions still remain with me today. BRANDING. Do you remember your first business card? Oh! how old school of me, I mean, like your first web site or even this means of communication called a BLOG? What I have learned is that certain identifications need to remain, need to stay incorporated as we grown our art, our business. Even though its completely natural to desire change and a new look… its also key to keep a logo, or a color, or a quote that was once part of your original and humble beginnings in order to stay recognizable. BRANDING. The original photos I used to package my jewelry designs (11 years ago)! I still use today, although the image has visited Photoshop many a time. I hate to admit it but, its my business name that has not been consistent; The Beach House Gallery, that’s because I’m constantly redesigning cards, signs, packaging as I continue to branch out my jewelry lines. So be careful and pay attention to these waves of growth, again, BRANDING. So, as I fess-up it is a valuable reminder to me and for you to keep your original representation in some form and to repeat it in print or in words in everything you create so that who you were or where your going in the future, you and your art will be not just remembered but always recognizable! Oh, yeah, It’s called, BRANDING.

Monday, July 15, 2013


"The Fern"                         6' x 5'  Latex on Canvas        Inez Dunn©2003
Hello Dear Friends!
Summer is glorious. Gardens, swimming in a dark lake, running bare-foot on cold grass, sipping warm sun tea, squeezing hard tubes of old sunscreen, scrubbing black tar off of bare feet in a apron sink, sucking warm butter from a single ear of corn. Ah!
Then technology taps my bare brown announces in polite, corporate speak" Your Server is Out!
I'm just trying to get a message to you my dedicated readers. Some kind of informative communication, to say that all is right with the world here in the land of the midnight sun (except I have no internet!). Apologies for technicalities which, I have no control over. And for my own foolishness to right the cyber world of pretentiousness. I thank you.  I am grateful for you and for this iPhone. And for what I don't take for granted this afforded luxury of time, to complain. I strained this evening to post a single not so important message ( I mean this is just a blog). Eventually my internet connection will resume, so to all of you who are patient, a warm summer greeting is yours. Please return back on August 15, 2013. Cheers!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Diary

"The Clearing"                 Inez Dunn©2013

A Diary

A diary is a daily record. It’s a written or oral account that summarizes either personal or business experiences. As a child I kept a diary, it was a hardcover generic tiny book with a fake lock glued to its cover.  It came with a miniature key, that I had to keep hidden far away from
my siblings. I wrote in my diary everyday after school. The thin-lined pages were covered in blue ink by my wavy 11-year-old hand. My scribbling included: childish exaggerations, stories of puppy love, schoolyard dramas! That was a long time ago, and a diary seems to have been replaced by what we now call a journal. What’s great about today’s journals is that they go way beyond moleskin and leather covers. There is a growing popularity with mixed media in hand creating altered books and artist books that take “journaling” to a whole new level.  The beauty here is that the written word, and the artist book end up being an actual piece of art! So rather than me suggesting the perfect beach read for summer, I’m going to encourage you to begin a bit of note-taking, a page of input, a decorative grocery list. And while you’re at it, maybe include a bit of doodling, or a sticker. And who knows, perhaps after awhile your page might begin with something like, Dear Diary. These photos are of my artist book, to see more and find out how to create your own go to The magazine is titled, PAGES read about how I made this book on page 54.

P.S. And for anyone writing the electronic way, always use spell-check!
"The Clearing"                                                                             by Inez Dunn©2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Clarity, Conflict, Resolution & Seasonal Changes

"Resolute"                                                                                              Inez Dunn©2013
Clarity, Conflict, Resolution & Seasonal Changes

Remember people there are no losers, only failed (best) attempts. What you see is what you get, and the above photo is my weeks long experimentation with all things resin. Remember my situation? (Read last Sunday’s post). My experience to date, unfortunately, resulted in failure. Photo: Top row is a resin pour from a leading manufacture to the trade, which promises an elevated contour in its instructions yet, after my full compliance no baby bump appeared. For the last 6 days I converted my desk top into an incubator of sorts using various heat lamps, and none of the bezels cured completely!

In the second row I used products intended to add luster in paper applications. I also used two different kinds of nail polish, a two-part epoxy, and a product with the initials M.P. The pun here is the results were "mixed".

Conflict: Two things worth mentioning, one is using the proper fixative to protect paper.
Previously, I was using a spray product intended for neutralizing paper. Wrong product!
The result is not sufficient enough and causes the paper to bleed. Not a good thing, unless creatively this is what you want to achieve. A better product to use is a spray fixative designed for permanently “sealing” paper. The other conflict is how to simulate an artificial temperature of 80 degrees, constant. Anyone?

Resolution: This is my shout-out to all-northerner’s this side of latitude 60. Please share here any tips on how to achieve consistent resin results and how to maintain an environment with temperatures adequate enough for curing.

Seasonal changes: This is my acknowledgement to the18 hours, and gaining of daylight, otherwise known as, Alaska’s summer. This means my indoor activities take a hiatus, and my outdoor life blossoms into well, being outside. And I’m referring to being outside like all hours of the day & night (which is still day-light). So tonight will be my last regular weekly post on Sundays. For my summer schedule I will publish a new post every 15th of the month from June until the month of September. My gratitude I send to all of you faithful readers and followers, please come back on the 15th. Until next time, here’s to a safe and overly joyous summer season! Blessings to all.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


"Resin  Ates"                                                                                              Inez Dunn©2013


Long before I decided to blog, I made a list of subjects that I would and would not write about. Politics and taxes definitely taboo. But something in his week’s news struck a cord with me it was about the IRS and its need for transparency. For years I have been meaning to write about the IRS, no not that IRS, but rather mine: Inez’s Resin Situation. What is my situation? I’ll tell you. I have tried almost all the resin products out there, and my results have been more about tragedy than triumph. Now, if your still reading this and scratching your head, I’m talking about the gooie substance derived from plants that when mixed with other chemicals is poured over stuff to cause preservation. The subject of resins and their applications is quite broad, and when you get into the whole chemistry behind hardener and catalyst well; that requires a chapter of a blog post all unto itself. You see the whole reason that the IRS thing and transparency resonates is because resin too requires clarity; it has to be transparent to work in jewelry design in order for the entire concept to be fully understood. Working with resin requires a complete adherence to preparation, and most importantly a really warm environment, like 70 degrees+.  Living in Alaska, the whole temperature thing presents a bit of a problem, but I haven’t given –up. Okay now, back to my situation I have set-up numerous bezels all with different resin products. And I will reveal my latest findings in next Sunday’s post. And because I am not a spokes person for any of these products I will not be naming names only results-but if you need specifics please send me an email and I will answer your questions. I may have heard a collective sigh that seemed to reverberate through the blogo-spere? Hey, I’m simply applying the same conventions that all mystery writers adhere to: Suspence works, Baby! So just wait patiently for next week. All things considered, perhaps implementing a bit of transparency in ones life isn’t such a bad thing, I mean being seen for who you really are is actually a good thing but being fully understood well that’s really powerful stuff. Save that for the next time you need some sense of accountability, whether dealing with yourself or the other IRS. Until next Sunday think clarity, clarity, clarity. Ah!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Mother's Day
"She's a Classic"                                                                                                         Inez Dunn©2013
Today was Mother’s Day. I say, “was” because if you’re reading my post, the local time is now midnight. As a tribute to Mother’s day I decided I would focus on the individual attributes that make each mom unique in her own way. No two moms are alike, nor are her children. All moms vary in temperament, some moms are sunny, some are overcast and some moms vacillate in and out of the storm. And although most of us complain about our mom’s, I believe its equal to the amount of love we have for them. Basic biology, if it weren’t for our moms, we wouldn’t be here. Now, when it comes to gift giving for mom or any female in your life, there are a few simple rules, especially when jewelry is the gift your selecting; get it right and you’ll remain in good standing at least until next year. Below I have created a quick stylistic reference that will make buying jewelry a lot easier, keep you stress-free about any last minute purchases, and save on your pocket book. Okay, I can’t guarantee the “pocket-book thing, but read on…

1. She’s a “Classic”, tailored, career oriented, disciplined, older, retired, almost organized but, fussy about her individual self.

Go for anything pearls, pins; post earrings, crystal jewelry that is singular in design. Nothing-pretentious here, select jewelry that is straightforward, and as individual as she is.

2. She’s a “Newbie”, eclectic, diverse, independent, modern, younger, multitasked and family oriented. Her style choices are mixed and matched.

Go for avante-guard pieces, standout necklaces that have vintage touches, leather bracelets, and earrings that are long. Handmade, and local is important here.

3. She’s “Bubbly”, bold, boisterous, and put-together, fashion forward, attention to detail about her looks, and presentation. She’s at her best at shopping malls, and knows value when she sees it.

Go for color, color is key here when making a jewelry selection. Anything beaded, chunky necklaces in multistrands, playful charms, and busy bracelet designs. Neon or florals set the tone and will work well.

4. She’s a “Team Player” jeans and sweatshirt; innovative, creative, retrospective, family comes first. Her idea of a vacation is alone time with a good book.

Go with dainty earrings, necklaces that are streamline and on a chain. For this pick it is important that if you choose metal it be matched to her wedding ring, or wristwatch. These considerations will ensure the jewelry won’t be in conflict, and she’ll feel more comfortable wearing it.

Happy Mother's Day to all Moms, new, old, happy, and even cranky thank you for all you do and especially for your love. Hmm, now what to get for Dad?

"She's a newbie"                                                                                                   Inez Dunn©2013  

"She's Bubbly"                                                                           Inez Dunn©2013
         "She's a Team Player"                                                                 Inez Dunn©2013
All jewelry photographs, creations, and designs are handmade by Inez Dunn.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Big Birds

Bird Brain Collage                                                                  Inez Dunn ©2013

Bird Brain

It’s May, and here on the Kenai Peninsula there is a particular sound in the air. The sound
is the echoing call of Sandhill Cranes. Their arrival signals something absolute, it is that spring has finally arrived. These migratory birds are reminders of nature’s cyclical patterns. These patterns by the way don’t only apply for avian species but, also for people. Folks throughout my community are referred to as snowbirds: people who uproot themselves once winter arrives and return back again to the same region once the temperatures have moderated. This type of to and fro makes me think about just how many life forms there are that are actually nomadic rather than stationary. Around here the Sandhill Cranes are observed with a sense of awe and reverence. And although these birds precede the zillion of shorebirds that beckon our shores for their nesting grounds nonetheless, Sandhills rein supreme! Here in Homer, its cause for celebration for the last 21 years the city of Homer has celebrated our feathered friends by holding a flock of activities called the Shorebird Festival. May 9-12th save the dates! Saturday the 11th, in conjunction with the festival there will be an Arts & Crafts faire, and yours truly will be showcasing all new jewelry perfectly suited for spring and summer. Admission is free! So get packing, grab your binoculars and your rain gear and I’ll see you at the fair!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

See You

"I'm gonna get you, copper!"                                                                                                          Inez Dunn ©2013

Cu -->
Did you know copper tubing exists in almost every household? Plumbers install these shiny tubes in a crazy maze just beneath the floorboards (don’t even try to look). Copper tubing transports water, not just hot, but also cold. And if you have the luxury of heated flooring well, just guess what’s underneath your tootsies! When a house or other type of building is demolished all those copper tubes end-up as scrap metal. A salvage yard or a recycling center is where the tubing enters its final resting place but, when it does its like its been reincarnated, appearing more like bronze & verdigris in mangled veins. Sometimes its twisted into giant coils or just smashed and cut into small pieces. Copper is sold by the pound and depending on the market that day it can be pricey. Warning: Don’t get all gussied-up to do this kind of shopping, No. If your excited to enter into this world, here’s what you’ll need (besides an imagination) protective gloves, a dust mask, muck boots, a large bucket, and a handful of cash. Alright, whether your smacking your lips or not here are some facts about copper.

1. Copper is the 29th element Cu. 29, because that’s its atomic number.
2. Copper conducts heat and electrictiy better than other metals.
3. Copper melts at 1950 degrees.
4. Copper is one of the most recyclable metals.
5. Brass: Its created when zinc is alloyed with copper.
6. Copper has antibacterial properties, Who knew?
7. My grandma wore copper bracelets to arrest her arthritis, maybe she knew.

This is what I see, when I see copper tubing: 

German Soap Stone, Copper Tubing Earrings              Inez Dunn ©2012

Rare Vaseline Glass                                 Inez Dunn©2012

Glass Bead, Copper wire                      Inez Dunn©2012

Vintage Pearls, Annealed Ear Wires     Inez Dunn©2012

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Unexpected Kindness

She sells                                                                                                                         Inez Dunn©2013

The Allure                                                                                                               Inez Dunn©2013

Unexpected Kindness

This week in spite of all the random tragedy going on, I’d like to divert your attention, if just for a little while, and lay focus towards the subject of kindness. The type of kindness that is delivered collectively, perhaps by a group or a family. And the type of kindness that arrives unexpectedly, in the form of a surprise. This week I received such gifts. One was an impromptu dinner invite, thoughtful, delicious, and kind in the most meaningful way. Then two more unexpected gifts called my attention, the 1st gift came all the way from Texas. The gift: An exquisite seashell collection from a dear classmate, shells my girlfriend had collected from her home state of Florida. The next gift came from one of my biggest fans here at home, the gift: an arresting array of vintage fishing lures. I was completely over-whelmed by these surprises, but it was the kindness in the gift giving that really affected me. Over the years I have assembled many collections, I have a collection of fossil rocks, volcanic rocks, sea glass, and even bones! My attitude toward collecting has expanded simply because my imagination feels compelled to discover. The process of collecting for me isn’t about amassing stuff, everyone knows this could lead to hoarding and then I’d have no place for which to write you this blog. No. I base my collecting by the process of interest it generates for me and not by the possible monetary values it could hold someday. This is not to say that if anyone out there wants me to inherit his or her gold nugget collection I might turn a blind eye. I mean who doesn’t like Au? At the end of the day I want to view and share my collections based on an well-researched narrative, one in which you become as easily charmed as I am. Sharing knowledge and giving kindness in inventive ways is quite the turn-on. So, whether you’re a collector or not it really doesn't matter, what matters is your ability to demonstrate thoughtfulness. Don’t wait, surprise someone soon, it may be with a collection of words, or an unexpected gift; either way it’s a beautiful thing. And right now all of us could use a lot more of that!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

April Is National Poetry Month

Waxing Poetically                                                                                                                           Inez Dunn©2013        

April is national poetry month

The month of April begins with fools, midway it’s all about taxes, and toward the end of the month a day is set aside for celebrating planet Earth. But did you know April is also national poetry month? So, after paying my taxes, which I really did, I set aside time revisiting my old poetry books. Among the dust and crinkled book jackets were Whythe, Hass, and Sexton, not what you were expecting, but then again I’m not your standard poetry groupie. When I read a poem I am always fascinated by its structure and the deliberate placement of active verbs and phrases. I also admire the poet who can successfully convert dreamy imagery into descriptive words, words that are placed so artfully that they evoke all the senses.  Poetry is a very personal and contemplative craft, much like jewelry design. In jewelry design components such as beads and findings create their own rhyme and rhythm simply by their arrangement. I consider color, texture, and theme and how the elements relate or create harmony together. With poetry its similar, the writer has to convey a message, disguised cleverly in the artful arrangement of words. The entire process can be a bit complicated, but who needs that? In summary, the written poem and the beaded necklace must achieve unity in order to be understood successfully.
That’s a simpler way of saying it… so my friends, find a poem somewhere, read it, savor it, then pass it on. And mark your calendar for April 22, to give thanks to mother Earth. Thank her for the ground you walk on, thank her for the air you breathe, and be grateful for the human perseverance in all of us that seeks out harmony, unison, and poetry wherever it may be found.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Closed In                                                                                                                                                     Inez Dunn©2013

Closure can be difficult. Closure is affixing something so that it will hold its place, or remain closed. Closure is also finalizing something, whether forced or forgiven. My entrée into the art world began when I imagined applying closure to my corporate day. In the name of fulfilling balance, I discovered a devotion for creating. When I first began beading, all of my clasps were made of Sterling Silver; at that time silver was selling for $7.00 an ounce. I would spend countless hours in search of the perfect clasp. To me, I felt the clasp should be more than just a mechanism for function. I wanted my clasps to serve as an artistic statement. Selecting the beads was secondary, the purpose of the beads: to compliment the clasp. At the time my design philosophy was quite unconventional, but it paid off, my customers “got-it”, they purchased, and they kept coming back! That was a long time ago, and today my approach in design has evolved happily, even if it’s still contrary to the standard. As I developed artistically I had to close a few doors so that others would open, and I always try to remember that the best way to end a chapter is to finish it, before I start anew.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

March Madness

Solder Says                                                                                                                                          Inez Dunn©2013

March Madness

It all comes down to the final four. What four? Or what for? I liken it to the four visits I’ve had with my soldering iron. When I get ready to create with glass and tape it’s an exciting prospect and because I haven’t practiced enough with my iron; I usually end up with mixed results. Soldering is a time-tested skill that involves many things. Things like: set-up, clean up, and safety. There is actually a method to this madness, and believe me, each protocol is as important as the one that follows. If I gamble on safety I’m probably going to get burned. Burned as in a red splotch on my hand, and burned as in producing a pile of duds! As a final adieu to this last day of March I leave you with these guidelines. Remember with any art form it takes practice, and courage, and practice, and practice.

1. Use copper tape from this decade, and a bone folder.
2. Use flux from this decade. (I’m not sure if flux ever dies, but if it’s your friend keep it fresh).
3. Make copies of any paper or photos you might use. Just do it!
4. Use a sturdy table that is counter height in an area that has ventilation.  (I recommend standing, rather than sitting).
5. Use a large baking sheet, or a large stone tile, and a firebrick.
6. Make sure that your soldering iron is clean and in good working order. (A hemostat is fine, but optional).
7. Give your flux, solder, and Sal Ammoniac block assigned seating. Have these items separate yet, easy to reach.
8.  Place a small cup with a soaking wet sponge near to your soldering area.
9. Place tweezers, pliers, clothespins, and jump rings at arms reach.
10. Dress-up: Wear eye protection.
Wear an apron, or long-sleeved denim shirt.
Wear Pants.
Wear shoes that aren’t sandals.
If you’ve got hair pull it back, and away from your face.
ALWAYS wear tight fitting work gloves each and every time you hold the soldering iron.
Turn off your cell
Get a sitter for the kids
Make sure pets are secured in separate location.
Now, your ready to solder!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday Inspiration

Sunday Sunset                                                                         Inez Dunn©2013
Sunday Inspiration

Is Sunday the day for rest? Or is Sunday the day for gathering the week’s inspirations to create something new? Homemade soup, we wait all week for this, an idea inspired by late night TV. The commercial is cast in an artificial light depicting a stream of steaming liquid with shiny vegetables and fat soulful noodles. Weren’t we going to do that today? How about the package of thank you cards we have all purchased from time to time? Card stock in creamy velum painted with songbirds in colors of crimson. Birds singing words of praise printed neatly beneath their beaks. Today would have been a good day to do that.  We crafters on any Sunday, Palm or Easter have been known to place the weeks divine ideas and inspirational moments and toss them into a brown paper bag. Its like a metaphorical shake & bake, voila! Captured concepts, ideas completed and a resolution that rests peacefully. On other Sundays we wager a bit of hide and seek, a toggle between wait and see, fingers combing our hair; we hem and haw. Why? Because for this day, this one final day of the week we recognize the human need not just to create, but also to rejuvenate, and sometimes a day of rest is the best inspiration of all!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Time Change

An inconvenient time                                                               Inez Dunn©2013
Okay, so we changed our house clocks, our car clocks, even wristwatches. But do we change? The spring equinox falls on March 20th. Here in the great north we wait in anticipation for the sun to position itself at high noon, signaling the arrival of spring. On March 20th we take our final exhale of semi frosty breath and breathe in deep the rights of spring. During this time all things seem possible, vibrancy appears in the ordinary and surges of energy are offered up from an overflowing platter. Sometimes it’s hard to say good-bye, but not here in the north, we happily bid farewell to the crumbling ice and bitter winds. Only to say hello to the mud and the dust, and all things green and abundant on this magnificent side of the world!  Happy spring to all!

Monday, January 14, 2013


Welcome to my beach. Welcome to my little stretch of Alaskan coastline, the place I call home. Follow me as I navigate the ebb and flow of my artistic life. Stay with me, as I practice and contemplate my creative progress. Let me to entertain you as I engineer, and jury rig some amazing and often unorthodox jewelry designs. Feeling famished? I got you covered with a visual  sampling of  my very own "vegan" dinning suggestions; along with sumptuous recipes. Inspiration, science, and discovery you'll find that and more under "Miscellany". And just as your about to catch your breath, which should be comprised hopefully of salty sea air, get ready to pull-up your collar  (and tightly) study the contours of the coastline; and walk beside me into the future.  Inez Dunn