She sells Inez Dunn©2013 |
The Allure Inez Dunn©2013 |
Unexpected Kindness
This week in spite of all the random tragedy going on, I’d
like to divert your attention, if just for a little while, and lay focus
towards the subject of kindness. The type of kindness that is delivered
collectively, perhaps by a group or a family. And the type of kindness that
arrives unexpectedly, in the form of a surprise. This week I received such
gifts. One was an impromptu dinner invite, thoughtful, delicious, and kind in
the most meaningful way. Then two more unexpected gifts called my attention,
the 1st gift came all the way from Texas. The gift: An exquisite
seashell collection from a dear classmate, shells my girlfriend had collected
from her home state of Florida. The next gift came from one of my biggest fans
here at home, the gift: an arresting array of vintage fishing lures. I was
completely over-whelmed by these surprises, but it was the kindness in the gift
giving that really affected me. Over the years I have assembled many
collections, I have a collection of fossil rocks, volcanic rocks, sea glass,
and even bones! My attitude toward collecting has expanded simply because my
imagination feels compelled to discover. The process of collecting for me isn’t
about amassing stuff, everyone knows this could lead to hoarding and then I’d
have no place for which to write you this blog. No. I base my collecting by the
process of interest it generates for me and not by the possible monetary values
it could hold someday. This is not to say that if anyone out there wants me to
inherit his or her gold nugget collection I might turn a blind eye. I mean who
doesn’t like Au? At the end of the day I want to view and share my collections
based on an well-researched narrative, one in which you become as easily
charmed as I am. Sharing knowledge and giving kindness in inventive ways is
quite the turn-on. So, whether you’re a collector or not it really doesn't
matter, what matters is your ability to demonstrate thoughtfulness. Don’t wait,
surprise someone soon, it may be with a collection of words, or an unexpected
gift; either way it’s a beautiful thing. And right now all of us could use a
lot more of that!
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