Good Tidings

Follow me as I explore Alaska's vast coastline.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

April Is National Poetry Month

Waxing Poetically                                                                                                                           Inez Dunn©2013        

April is national poetry month

The month of April begins with fools, midway it’s all about taxes, and toward the end of the month a day is set aside for celebrating planet Earth. But did you know April is also national poetry month? So, after paying my taxes, which I really did, I set aside time revisiting my old poetry books. Among the dust and crinkled book jackets were Whythe, Hass, and Sexton, not what you were expecting, but then again I’m not your standard poetry groupie. When I read a poem I am always fascinated by its structure and the deliberate placement of active verbs and phrases. I also admire the poet who can successfully convert dreamy imagery into descriptive words, words that are placed so artfully that they evoke all the senses.  Poetry is a very personal and contemplative craft, much like jewelry design. In jewelry design components such as beads and findings create their own rhyme and rhythm simply by their arrangement. I consider color, texture, and theme and how the elements relate or create harmony together. With poetry its similar, the writer has to convey a message, disguised cleverly in the artful arrangement of words. The entire process can be a bit complicated, but who needs that? In summary, the written poem and the beaded necklace must achieve unity in order to be understood successfully.
That’s a simpler way of saying it… so my friends, find a poem somewhere, read it, savor it, then pass it on. And mark your calendar for April 22, to give thanks to mother Earth. Thank her for the ground you walk on, thank her for the air you breathe, and be grateful for the human perseverance in all of us that seeks out harmony, unison, and poetry wherever it may be found.

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