Good Tidings

Follow me as I explore Alaska's vast coastline.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

See You

"I'm gonna get you, copper!"                                                                                                          Inez Dunn ©2013

Cu -->
Did you know copper tubing exists in almost every household? Plumbers install these shiny tubes in a crazy maze just beneath the floorboards (don’t even try to look). Copper tubing transports water, not just hot, but also cold. And if you have the luxury of heated flooring well, just guess what’s underneath your tootsies! When a house or other type of building is demolished all those copper tubes end-up as scrap metal. A salvage yard or a recycling center is where the tubing enters its final resting place but, when it does its like its been reincarnated, appearing more like bronze & verdigris in mangled veins. Sometimes its twisted into giant coils or just smashed and cut into small pieces. Copper is sold by the pound and depending on the market that day it can be pricey. Warning: Don’t get all gussied-up to do this kind of shopping, No. If your excited to enter into this world, here’s what you’ll need (besides an imagination) protective gloves, a dust mask, muck boots, a large bucket, and a handful of cash. Alright, whether your smacking your lips or not here are some facts about copper.

1. Copper is the 29th element Cu. 29, because that’s its atomic number.
2. Copper conducts heat and electrictiy better than other metals.
3. Copper melts at 1950 degrees.
4. Copper is one of the most recyclable metals.
5. Brass: Its created when zinc is alloyed with copper.
6. Copper has antibacterial properties, Who knew?
7. My grandma wore copper bracelets to arrest her arthritis, maybe she knew.

This is what I see, when I see copper tubing: 

German Soap Stone, Copper Tubing Earrings              Inez Dunn ©2012

Rare Vaseline Glass                                 Inez Dunn©2012

Glass Bead, Copper wire                      Inez Dunn©2012

Vintage Pearls, Annealed Ear Wires     Inez Dunn©2012

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Unexpected Kindness

She sells                                                                                                                         Inez Dunn©2013

The Allure                                                                                                               Inez Dunn©2013

Unexpected Kindness

This week in spite of all the random tragedy going on, I’d like to divert your attention, if just for a little while, and lay focus towards the subject of kindness. The type of kindness that is delivered collectively, perhaps by a group or a family. And the type of kindness that arrives unexpectedly, in the form of a surprise. This week I received such gifts. One was an impromptu dinner invite, thoughtful, delicious, and kind in the most meaningful way. Then two more unexpected gifts called my attention, the 1st gift came all the way from Texas. The gift: An exquisite seashell collection from a dear classmate, shells my girlfriend had collected from her home state of Florida. The next gift came from one of my biggest fans here at home, the gift: an arresting array of vintage fishing lures. I was completely over-whelmed by these surprises, but it was the kindness in the gift giving that really affected me. Over the years I have assembled many collections, I have a collection of fossil rocks, volcanic rocks, sea glass, and even bones! My attitude toward collecting has expanded simply because my imagination feels compelled to discover. The process of collecting for me isn’t about amassing stuff, everyone knows this could lead to hoarding and then I’d have no place for which to write you this blog. No. I base my collecting by the process of interest it generates for me and not by the possible monetary values it could hold someday. This is not to say that if anyone out there wants me to inherit his or her gold nugget collection I might turn a blind eye. I mean who doesn’t like Au? At the end of the day I want to view and share my collections based on an well-researched narrative, one in which you become as easily charmed as I am. Sharing knowledge and giving kindness in inventive ways is quite the turn-on. So, whether you’re a collector or not it really doesn't matter, what matters is your ability to demonstrate thoughtfulness. Don’t wait, surprise someone soon, it may be with a collection of words, or an unexpected gift; either way it’s a beautiful thing. And right now all of us could use a lot more of that!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

April Is National Poetry Month

Waxing Poetically                                                                                                                           Inez Dunn©2013        

April is national poetry month

The month of April begins with fools, midway it’s all about taxes, and toward the end of the month a day is set aside for celebrating planet Earth. But did you know April is also national poetry month? So, after paying my taxes, which I really did, I set aside time revisiting my old poetry books. Among the dust and crinkled book jackets were Whythe, Hass, and Sexton, not what you were expecting, but then again I’m not your standard poetry groupie. When I read a poem I am always fascinated by its structure and the deliberate placement of active verbs and phrases. I also admire the poet who can successfully convert dreamy imagery into descriptive words, words that are placed so artfully that they evoke all the senses.  Poetry is a very personal and contemplative craft, much like jewelry design. In jewelry design components such as beads and findings create their own rhyme and rhythm simply by their arrangement. I consider color, texture, and theme and how the elements relate or create harmony together. With poetry its similar, the writer has to convey a message, disguised cleverly in the artful arrangement of words. The entire process can be a bit complicated, but who needs that? In summary, the written poem and the beaded necklace must achieve unity in order to be understood successfully.
That’s a simpler way of saying it… so my friends, find a poem somewhere, read it, savor it, then pass it on. And mark your calendar for April 22, to give thanks to mother Earth. Thank her for the ground you walk on, thank her for the air you breathe, and be grateful for the human perseverance in all of us that seeks out harmony, unison, and poetry wherever it may be found.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Closed In                                                                                                                                                     Inez Dunn©2013

Closure can be difficult. Closure is affixing something so that it will hold its place, or remain closed. Closure is also finalizing something, whether forced or forgiven. My entrĂ©e into the art world began when I imagined applying closure to my corporate day. In the name of fulfilling balance, I discovered a devotion for creating. When I first began beading, all of my clasps were made of Sterling Silver; at that time silver was selling for $7.00 an ounce. I would spend countless hours in search of the perfect clasp. To me, I felt the clasp should be more than just a mechanism for function. I wanted my clasps to serve as an artistic statement. Selecting the beads was secondary, the purpose of the beads: to compliment the clasp. At the time my design philosophy was quite unconventional, but it paid off, my customers “got-it”, they purchased, and they kept coming back! That was a long time ago, and today my approach in design has evolved happily, even if it’s still contrary to the standard. As I developed artistically I had to close a few doors so that others would open, and I always try to remember that the best way to end a chapter is to finish it, before I start anew.